In Astrophysics, we focus on the planetary science research to study planets, moons, and other celestial bodies within our solar system and beyond. The goal is to understand their formation, evolution, and current conditions. Comets play a significant role in our understanding of solar system formation and provide valuable insights into the condition prevailing in the early solar system.
Here are some key areas of study:
- Planets: Research may include the study of rocky planets like Mars, Venus, and Mercury. Investigation also include the atmospheres, magnetic fields, and moons of gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.
- Icy Bodies: Moons like Europa or Enceladus may be of interest due to the possibility of subsurface oceans and potential habitability.
- Asteroids and Comets: Understanding the composition and characteristics of smaller bodies in the solar system.
- Exoplanets: Research involve the study of planets beyond our solar system and their habitability.