UM6PSaT is a student CubeSat which belongs to the activities developed by the School of Applied and Engineering Research Labswith the support of the CNES (French National centre for space studies). The project has essentially a pedagogical impact to involve students into the nanosatellite technology in order to make and launch their own CubeSat 1U.
Throughout the project, students will go across all the stages as the ones for a conventional satellite: pre-design and viability study, preliminary and detailed design, manufacture, assembly and integration, and, lastly, qualification and acceptance testing for launch. And as the procedure takes less time and it’s more economic than a conventional satellite, the project remains a perfect learning by doing challenge for the students.
Beside the training objective, the UM6PSaT will have a research target to study space radiation and their impact on 2D materials developed and studied at UM6P like Graphene, Black Phosphorus and MoS2 which will be an add-value for the OCP research and development ecosystem. The project started in March 2022 and currently it is in the pre-study phase with the objective to be launched by the end of 2026.